Git is a powerful system for distributed version control.
To get documentation for a Git command:
1. $ man git-[command-name]
2. $ git help [command-name]
Configuring Git for all local repositories
1. $ git config --global "[name]"
# to set the name to commit transactions
2. $ git config --global "[email address]"
# to set the email to commit transactions
Working with branches
Branches - an important part of working with Git.
1. $ git status
# to check the status of the repository
2. $ git branch [branch-name]
# git command to create a new branch
3. $ git checkout [branch-name]
# switches to the specified branch and updates the working directory
4. $ git merge [branch]
# combines the specified branch’s history into the current branch.
5. $ git branch -d [branch-name]
# deletes the specified branch
Get information and Make changes to the branches
1. $ git log
# lists version history for the current branch
git log --pretty=oneline
# lists version history for the current branch in one line format
2. $ git diff [first-branch]...[second-branch]
# shows content differences between two branches
3. $ git show [commit]
# outputs metadata and content changes of the specified commit
4. $ git add [file]
# snapshots the file in preparation for versioning and stages the changes
5. $ git commit -m "[descriptive message]"
# records file snapshots in version history
Redo Git commits
1. $ git reset [commit]
# undoes all commits after [commit] and preserve changes locally
2. $ git reset --hard [commit]
# discards all history and changes back to the specified commit
Creating repositories
1. $ git init
# to start out a new git repository (initial setup)
2. $ git remote add origin [url]
# to link the local repository to an empty GitHub repository
3. $ git clone [url]
# clone (download) a repository that already exists on GitHub, including all of the files, branches, and commits
4. $ git fetch origin <commit-hash>
# to fetch a commit using its hash
The .gitignore file
To exclude files from being tracked with Git use a special file - .gitignore.
Create a file in project directory named .gitignore (Note: the name starts with a period) and place inside it names of files and folders you want to exclude from tracking.
Synchronizing changes
1. $ git fetch
# downloads all history from the remote tracking branches
2. $ git merge
# combines remote tracking branches into current local branch
3. $ git push
# uploads all local branch commits to GitHub
4. $ git pull
# updates your current local working branch with all new commits from the corresponding remote branch on GitHub. git pull is a combination of git fetch and git merge
Git recipes
Using git to create a git repository with a previous version of a project
version 1 (using git fetch)
1. $ git init
# create and initialize an empty git repository
2. $ git remote add origin <repository>
# add a remote named origin for the repository at <repository>
3. $ git fetch origin <commit-hash>
# fetch a commit using its hash
4. $ git reset --hard FETCH_HEAD
# reset repository to that commit
version 2 (using git clone)
1. $ git clone <repository>
# clone the git repository into the current directory
2. $ git reset --hard <commit-hash>
# hard reset repository to specific commit
version 3 (using git clone)
1. $ git clone <repository>
# clone the git repository into the current directory
2. $ git checkout <commit-hash>
# checkout a commit using its hash
3. $ git reset --hard
# hard reset repository
version 4 (restoring a previous version of a project in a new local branch)
$ git checkout -b [new-branch-name] <commit-hash>
# create a new branch – “new-branch-name” with hash of the old project revision to restore
GitHub and Bitbucket - online Git repository service providers
- GitHub and Bitbucket – hosting services for software development and version control using Git.
- GitHub Desktop program
Git online tutorials, resources and commands
- Git official documentation
- Pro Git book
- Atlassian Bitbucket tutorials
- Learn Git with Bitbucket Cloud
- Git Online Tutorial at Tutorials Point
- Git - Tutorial
- Git from the Inside Out
- A Visual Git Reference
- Git Getting Started Cheat Sheet
- Git Cheat Sheets
- Git Immersion
- Git - the simple guide
- Git How To
- Version Control (Git)
- The Best Git Tutorials
- Oh Shit, Git!?!